Message from IP Section Chair Chittam Thakore

This bar year is turning out to be an exciting one for the IP Section, and, as Section Chair, I’m honored to lead the effort to bring quality programs to our members. The IP Section Executive Committee is hard at work putting together informative CLE programs and social events to promote professional excellence and foster camaraderie. The Executive Committee is particularly focused this year on laying the groundwork necessary to bring back a larger section-wide event in the 2025-26 Bar year akin to the programming we used to have way back in 2019! We encourage all of you to re-engage or further engage as notices of upcoming programs are circulated.
You’ll also be invited to several IP Section social events (both IP Section wide events and committee specific ones) throughout the Bar year. We held the first of our socials on October 23rd at Ladybird Grove & Mess Hall. The weather, venue, and turnout couldn’t have been better! If you’re interested and not yet involved in an IP Section committee, please reach out to me directly. I can personally attest to the value that being active in the committees and programming imparts. My active participation in an IP Section committee is what jump started my involvement with the Section and that involvement has enriched me both personally and professionally. I hope that our IP Section will serve as a valuable resource for each of you, too!
Finally, I thank each of you who have unflaggingly supported and served this Section; we, as your leaders and Executive Board, could not do half of what we do each year without your efforts! To the tireless dedicated ones—your efforts are not unnoticed. To those looking for a more meaningful involvement—we stand ready to welcome you! Why wait—jump on in!
Here’s to another productive year,
Chittam U. Thakore